Two Way Radio Surveillance Equipment & Earpieces

Battery Distributors Carries a complete line of 2 Way Radio Surveillance Equipment including, 1 wire surveillance kits, 2 Wire Surveillance Kits, 3 wire surveillance kits, Surveillance Ear Pieces, bluetooth accessories, Secret Service Earpieces and More

The Receive Only earpiece features Color Black, Clear Audio, 1 Wire, Receive Only, Acoustical Clear Tube Style, Mushroom Tip and 3.5mm Threaded Plug
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosXPR 6350, JT 1000, PRO 5150 Conv, APX 4000, PRO 7350 LTR, XTS 2500, EX560 XLS, MT 2000, XPR 6300, HT 1000, PR 1500, XPR 7350, APX 3000, PRO 7150 Elite, XTS 1500, EX500, MT 1500, XPR 6100, EX600 XLS, MTX LS, XPR 6580, PRO 7150 Conv, XPR 7580, APX 7000 XE, VISAR, MTX 9000, XPR 6550, PRO 5750 SZ, XPR 7550, APX 7000, PRO 9150 Conv, XTS 5000, MTX 838, XPR 6500, PRO 5550 PP, XPR 7380, APX 6000 XE, PRO 7750 SZ, XTS 3500, EX600, MTX 8000, XPR 6380, PRO 5350 LTR, APX 6000, PRO 7550 PP, XTS 3000, MTS 2000 Surveillance Kits/Pieces1 Wire Receive Only
Motorola AARMN4022A, AARMN4022A, AARMN4022: The AARMN4022A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Beige, 2 Wires, Soft Earloop, Mushroom Tip, Intrinsically Safe with FM Approved Radio's and Direct Radio Connect
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosMTX 8250 LS, PRO 7550 PP, PRO 5350 LTR, PRO 9150 Conv, MTX 850, PRO 5450 MPT, MTX 850 LS, PRO 7150 Conv, HT 1250 LS+, HT 1250 LS, MTX 9250, PRO 5750 SZ, HT 1550 XLS, PRO 7350 LTR, MTX 950, HT 1250, HT750, PRO 5550 PP, PR 860, MTX 8250, PRO 5150 Conv, PRO 7450 MPT
Motorola 0105954U29, 0105954U29: The 0105954U29 Motorola Acoustic Ear Tube comes with Rubber Mushroom Eartip, Clothing Clip and Acoustical Coiled Tube  
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosSRX 2200, APX 7000 XE, APX 4000 LI, APX 7000, APX 6000 XE, APX 6000 LI, APX 4000, APX 3000, APX 6000 Surveillance Kits/PiecesClear Acoustic Tube
Motorola 0180300E25, 0180300E25: The 0180300E25 Motorola Earguard comes with Adjustable Loop and helps keep Earpiece's in place
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosP1225 LS, HT 1250 LS, MTX 8250, PRO 7150 Conv, CP200, MTX 9000, XTS 1500, CT450 LS, HT 1550 XLS, P1225, HT 1250, MTS 2000, PRO 5550 PP, MTX 900, SP50, CT450, HT 1250 LS+, P110, HT 1000, MT 2000, PRO 5350 LTR, MTX 850 LS, PRO 9150 Conv, CT250, MX800, EX600 XLS, XTS 5000, PRO 5150 Conv, MTX 850, PRO 7550 PP, CT150, MTX LS, XTS 3500, EX600, LTS 2000, PR 860, MTX 838, PRO 7350 LTR, CP200 XLS, MTX 950, XTS 2500, EX560 XLS, JT 1000, PR 400, MTX 8250 LS, PRO 7150 Elite, CP150, MTX 9250, XTS 2250, EX500, HT750 Surveillance Kits/PiecesEMS PTT Ring Switch
Motorola 0180300E83, 0180300E83: The 0180300E83 Motorola Body PTT features Large PTT Swivel Clip and Activated Applying Pressure Anywhere on the switch with Arm, Hand or Elbow. The 0180300E83 is Only The Replacement Remote PTT Body Switch  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosMTX 8000, MTX 9000, HT 1000, XTS 2500, JT 1000, XTS 3000, MT 1500, XTS 3500, MT 2000, XTS 5000, MTS 2000
Motorola 5080358B28, 5080358B28: The 5080358B28 Motorola Eartips features Color Black, Size Medium, 10 Pack and Designed for use with BDN6677  
Known AsMotorola 5080358B28, 5080358B28 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 5080358B29, 5080358B29: The 5080358B29 Motorola Eartips features Color Black, Size Large, 10 Pack and Designed for use with BDN6677
Known AsMotorola 5080358B29, 5080358B29 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 5080369E38, 5080369E38: The 5080369E38 Motorola Earloop features Color Beige, Ear Loop and Mushroom Tip
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosVISAR, GP300, EX600, MTX 9000, XTS 3500, MTS 2000, PRO 5350 LTR, HT 1250 LS+, MTX 850, SP21, GP350, EX600 XLS, XTS 2500, XTS 3000, MTX 8000, PRO 5150 Conv, HT 1550 XLS, MTX 850 LS, GTX LTR, MTX 950, PRO 5550 PP, PRO 7350 LTR, MTX 8250, PRO 9150 Conv, HT750, SP10, GTX Privacy Plus, MTX LS, PRO 7150 Conv, MTX 8250 LS, PRO 7550 PP, JT 1000, MTX 9250, HT 1000, P110, PR 860, EX500, XTS 5000, LTS 2000, P1225 LS, XTS 2250, HT 1250, P1225, MTX 900, EX560 XLS, XTS 4250, MT 1500, MT 2000, XTS 1500, HT 1250 LS, MTX 838 Surveillance Kits/PiecesBeige Earloop
Motorola 5080369E39, 5080369E39: The 5080369E39 Motorola Ear Hook features Color Beige, Extra Loud, Soft Rubber Earloop and Eartip
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosHT 1000 Known AsMotorola 5080369E39, 5080369E39
Motorola 5080369E40, 5080369E40: The 5080369E40 Motorola Earloop features Color Beige and Soft Rubber for Comfort
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosSP21, EX600 XLS, MTX 838, P1225, XTS 3500, HT 1250, PRO 5350 LTR, LTS 2000, MTX 850 LS, EX600, SP10, MTX 8250 LS, P110, HT 1000, PRO 5150 Conv, JT 1000, MTX 850, EX560 XLS, PRO 9150 Conv, MTX 8250, MTX LS, XTS 3000, GTX Privacy Plus, PR 860, HT750, EX500, PRO 7550 PP, MTX 8000, MTX 950, XTS 2500, GTX LTR, P1225 LS, HT 1550 XLS, PRO 7350 LTR, MTS 2000, MTX 9250, XTS 1500, GP350, HT 1250 LS+, PRO 7150 Conv, MT 2000, MTX 9000, VISAR, GP300, XTS 5000, HT 1250 LS, PRO 5550 PP, MT 1500, MTX 900 Surveillance Kits/PiecesEarloop Only
Motorola 5080370E91, 5080370E91: The 5080370E91 Motorola Earpiece Assembly features Soft Ear Loop, Mushroom Tip and Earphone
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosMTX 8250, XTS 5000, HT 1250 LS, PRO 7350 LTR, MTX 9250, XTS 1500, EX600 XLS, HT750, MTX 8000, XTS 4250, HT 1250, PRO 7150 Conv, MTX 9000, VISAR, EX600, HT 1250 LS+, P1225 LS, MTS 2000, XTS 3500, HT 1000, PRO 5550 PP, MTX 900, SP21, EX560 XLS, P1225, GTX Privacy Plus, MT 2000, XTS 3000, PRO 5350 LTR, MTX 850 LS, SP10, EX500, P110, GTX LTR, MT 1500, XTS 2500, PRO 5150 Conv, MTX 850, PRO 9150 Conv, MTX LS, GP350, LTS 2000, PR 860, MTX 8250 LS, PRO 7750 SZ, MTX 950, GP300, JT 1000, XTS 2250 Surveillance Kits/PiecesBlack Earloop
Motorola 5080370E97, 5080370E97: The 5080370E97 Motorola Eartips features Color Clear, Soft Rubber and is designed to attach/replace the eartip on the acoustical coiled ear tube  
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosHT750 LS, EX500, XPR 7550, MTX 9250, PR 400, PRO 5350 LTR, HT 1000, XTS 2250, CP200d, MTX 8250, SP21, CT250, PRO 7550 PP, XPR 6300, PR 860, XPR 6100, JT 1000, EX560 XLS, XPR 7380, MTX 950, PRO 7150 Elite, PRO 5450 MPT, HT 1250, XTS 2500, MTX 8250 LS, APX 6000, CT450, PRO 7750 SZ, XPR 6350, PRO 5150 Conv, XPR 7350, LTS 2000, EX600, XPR 7580, MTX LS, APX 4000, PRO 5550 PP, HT 1250 LS, XTS 3000, MTX 838, APX 7000, CT450 LS, PRO 9150 Conv, XPR 6380, MT 1500, EX600 XLS, PRO 5750 SZ, APX 4000 LI, P110, APX 6000 XE, CP150, HT 1250 LS+, XTS 3500, MTX 850, APX 7000 XE, GP350, SP50, XPR 6500, MT 2000, GP300, CP200, PRO 7150 Conv, APX 3000, P1225, PRO 5150 ELITE, HT 1550 XLS, XTS 4250, MTX 850 LS, EP350, GTX LTR, VISAR, XPR 6550, MTX 900, MTS 2000, CP200 XLS, PRO 7350 LTR, APX 6000 LI, P1225 LS, XPR 3300, HT750, XTS 5000, MTX 9000, EP450, GTX Privacy Plus, XTS 1500, XPR 6580, SP10, MTX 8000, CT150, PRO 7450 MPT, SRX 2200, PR 1500, XPR 3500 Surveillance Kits/PiecesStandard Rubber Eartips
Motorola 5080384F72, 5080384F72: The 5080384F72 Motorola Ear Plugs features Pack of 50, Attenuating Plug, Color Yellow, High Noise Protection, Rated 24dB and will fit on most Acoustical Coiled Earpiece's in place of the Mushroom tip  
Noise CancelingNoise Canceling Yes Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosLTS 2000, APX 4000 LI, MTX LS, SL 300, XTS 5000, HT 1250 LS, XPR 7350, MTX 838, XPR 6500, CT150, APX 7000, XTS 3500, MT 1500, APX 3000, PR 1500, EX500, HT 1250 LS+, XPR 7550, MTX 850, XPR 6550, CT250, APX 7000 XE, XTS 4250, MT 2000, APX 6000 LI, PR 860, EX560 XLS, HT 1550 XLS, SL 7550, MTX 850 LS, XPR 6580, CT450, PR 400, MTS 2000, SRX 2200, EX600, XTS 1500, CP150, HT750, XPR 7380, MTX 9000, SL 7580, CT450 LS, APX 4000, MTX 8000, XPR 6300, CP185, EX600 XLS, XTS 2250, HT750 LS, XPR 7580, MTX 9250, SL 7590, HT 1000, APX 6000 XE, XPR 6350, MTX 8250, CP200, MTX 900, XTS 2500, JT 1000, APX 1000, MTX 950, CP200d, HT 1250, XPR 6100, XPR 6380, MTX 8250 LS, CP200 XLS, APX 6000, XTS 3000
- 18%
Motorola 5080386B90, 5080386B90: The 5080386B90 Motorola Mushroom Tips features Pack of 25 Mushroom Eartips and Color Clear
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosAPX 4000, LTS 2000, XPR 7550, XPR 6300, P1225, PRO 5350 LTR, EX600 XLS, MT 2000, SP10, MTX LS, HT 1250, XPR 6350, XTS 2500, APX 6000, XPR 7380, XPR 6100, P1225 LS, PRO 5150 Conv, JT 1000, EX600, HT 1250 LS, PRO 9150 Conv, P110, XTS 5000, MT 1500, XTS 2250, APX 6000 XE, XPR 7350, MTS 2000, PR 860, MTX 850 LS, EX560 XLS, GTX LTR, HT 1550 XLS, PRO 7550 PP, XTS 4250, MTX 850, APX 7000, XPR 6580, MTX 8250 LS, MTX 900, EX500, XPR 7580, HT 1250 LS+, PRO 7350 LTR, GP300, HT750, MTX 9000, XPR 6550, MTX 8250, APX 7000 XE, MTX 838, PRO 7150 Conv, GTX Privacy Plus, VISAR, MTX 9250, XPR 6500, XTS 1500, APX 3000, XTS 3000, XTS 3500, PRO 5550 PP, GP350, XPR 6380, SP21, MTX 950, HT 1000, MTX 8000 Surveillance Kits/Pieces25 Pack Mushroom Eartips
Motorola 56518, 56518: The 56518 Motorola Earpiece features D Style, Color Black, Slimline Boom Mic and Clothing Clip  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosVL50, DTR410, RDV 2020, CP110, RDU 4100, DTR650, RDU 2080d, DTR550, RDU 2020
Motorola 67009254001, 67009254001: The 67009254001 Motorola Replacement Rubber Eartip features Soft Rubber, Mushroom Style and fits virtually every Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube. The 67009254001 Also works on the 0105954U29 replacement acoustical ear tube, which works with the RLN6424A Receive only Earpiece  
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosSRX 2200, MTX 8000, XTS 5000, HT 1250 LS+, XPR 6550, APX 3000, MTX 9000, XPR 7580, APX 6000 LI, HT750, PR 860, MTS 2000, XTS 4250, HT 1250 LS, XPR 6500, MTX 850 LS, APX 6000, HT 1550 XLS, PR 400, MT 2000, XTS 3500, HT 1250, XPR 6380, MTX 850, XPR 7550, PR 1500, HT 1000, MT 1500, XTS 3000, XPR 6350, MTX 838, XPR 7380, MTX LS, APX 7000 XE, LTS 2000, XTS 2500, XPR 6300, MTX 8250 LS, XPR 7350, APX 4000 LI, MTX 950, APX 7000, JT 1000, XTS 2250, XPR 6100, MTX 8250, XPR 6580, APX 4000, MTX 9250, APX 6000 XE, HT750 LS, XTS 1500 Surveillance Kits/PiecesTranslucent Mushroom Ear Tip
Motorola 7580372E70, 7580372E70: The 7580372E70 Motorola Ear Pads are Replacment Foam Pads for Pellet/Earbud Style Earpiece's and comes as a 10 Pack
Surveillance Kits/PiecesReplacement Foam Earbuds Known AsMotorola 7580372E70, 7580372E70
Motorola AARLN4885B, AARLN4885: The AARLN4885B Motorola Earpiece features Ear Bud Style, 3.5mm Plug and Coiled Cord Will fit all remote speaker mics that have a 3.5mm accessory port
Surveillance Kits/PiecesReceive Only Earpiece Radio Model Speaker MicXTS 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6380, MTX 960, MT 1500, APX 7000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 7580, XTS 2250, MOTOTRBO XPR 6500, MTX 8000, APX 6000 LI, SRX 2200, APX 4000 LI, XTS 2500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6550, MTX 838, APX 3000, HT 1000, XTS 3000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6580, APX 4000, MTX 9000, APX 1000, JT 1000, XTS 3500, APX 6000, MOTOTRBO XPR 7350, MTX·LS, MOTOTRBO XPR 6100, MT 2000, XTS 4250, APX 6000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 7380, PR 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6350, MTS 2000, XTS 5000, APX 7000, MOTOTRBO XPR 7550
Motorola AARMN4029A, AARMN4029A, AARMN4029: The AARMN4029A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Black, 2 Wires, Combined Mic & PTT, Earloop, Mushroom Tip, Intrinsically Safe with FM Approved Radio's and Direct Radio Connect
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosPRO 7150 Conv, HT 1250 LS+, PRO 7550 PP, MTX 950, PRO 5750 SZ, PRO 9150 Conv, MTX 9250, PRO 7350 LTR, PRO 5550 PP, HT 1250, HT750, MTX 850 LS, PRO 5450 MPT, HT 1550 XLS, HT 1250 LS, MTX 850, PRO 5350 LTR, MTX 8250, MTX 8250 LS, PRO 5150 Conv, PRO 7450 MPT, PR 860
Motorola BDN6664A, BDN6664A, BDN6664: The BDN6664A Motorola Earpiece features Color Beige, Single Wire, Receive Only, Soft Earloop, Mushroom Tip and 3.5mm Threaded Plug
Surveillance Equipment Fits RadiosXTS 4250, HT 1000, XPR 6550, XPR 6300, PRO 7150 Conv, XPR 7380, MT 2000, XPR 6380, XTS 3500, APX 7000, PRO 7150 Elite, XPR 6100, PRO 7550 PP, XPR 7350, MTX LS, MTS 2000, XPR 6350, EX600, APX 6000, PRO 5550 PP, VISAR, EX500, PRO 5350 LTR, APX 3000, MTX 8000, SRX 2200, XTS 5000, PRO 5150 Conv, EX560 XLS, APX 4000, MTX 838, APX 6000 XE, PRO 9150 Conv, PRO 5750 SZ, XPR 7580, PRO 7350 LTR, EX600 XLS, MTX 9000, XTS 3000, PRO 7750 SZ, JT 1000, XTS 1500, XPR 7550, XPR 6580, APX 7000 XE, XTS 2500, MT 1500, XPR 6500, PR 1500 Surveillance Kits/Pieces1 Wire Receive Only
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